David Wiechman, Vice President

David Wiechman, Vice President

Elected May, 2022.
Term expires May, 2025. Eligible for re-election.

My long-time and continuing commitment to our community includes ensuring Water District’s priority is to its CURRENT customers. I oppose the District doing business with developers who just want to use our facilities to enable their new developments OUTSIDE our current district boundaries.

Local Government Experience:

  • Lakewood City Council, Ward 4 representative – two terms
  • Since leaving politics – 3 years on Lakewood’s Budget and Audit Committee
  • Jefferson Center for Mental Health - Board of Directors during Columbine
  • West Metro Fire District – two terms on Board of Directors
Completed Government Training:

  • Residential on-campus class in decision-making for elected government officials at the Harvard University Kennedy School
  • West Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Lakewood and Leadership Jeffco programs
  • Lakewood Citizens Planning Academy, Citizens Police Academy and Civics 101.
  • Leadership Program of the Rockies
  • Big Horn Center’s Leadership Development Program
Career Experience:

  • Graduated Univ. of Illinois - Economics degree
  • Military service as a Logistics Officer
  • 34 years with federal government as economist and auditor – now retired
I know our community:

  • Long-term resident (moved to Lakewood in 1981)
  • Green Mountain homeowner since 1996
  • Community association officer (including President)
  • Father of two awesome daughters - involved in schools & PTA
  • Local Kiwanis, Rotary and Optimist Clubs
  • Former President of Citizens for Lakewood’s Future
My extensive community involvement is proof of both my personal commitment to you and my in-depth community knowledge. I have been following the Water District for years and have attended most of the Board meetings over the past year and a half. Therefore, as your representative I can hit the ground running to protect Green Mountain.